Nine ways to
manage your
business and life

Keep your business
seamlessly in sync
wherever you are
Nine provides your mobile devices
wirelessly synchronized, encrypted
connection to your company servers or email
hosting services, so you can instantly access
up-to-date Emails, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks,
and Notes when away from your office
or your home.

All-in-one solution
for mobile business
Nine is the solution for managing all your business
applications, including Email, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and notes, all in one place — the ultimate work tool for individuals and businesses to be more productive on mobile.

Provide robust
security for your data
on mobile.
Nine can provide the same robust security and
efficient management of the company's
employee data on the mobile environment and
integrate with various MDM solutions to
protect corporate data.
Nine - Email & Calendar
Nine is a full-fledged email application for
Android & iOS based on Direct Push technology
to synchronize with Exchange family servers,
as well as various IMAP servers. Only accounts
supporting ActiveSync can use all features
such as email, calendar, contacts, tasks, and
notes, in the case of IMAP currently, it only supports
email synchronization. -
Nine Work Enterprise
Nine Work is an enterprise mobile business
email app that allows you to sync with
Exchange Server using ActiveSync, based on
Android Enterprise, and will also be offering
products for iOS soon. Nine Work is compatible
with MDM solutions such as
AirWatch, MobileIron, Intune, Rubus,
etc., which are based on Android Enterprise.
- Email You can log in and sync your Exchange email account simply by entering your email address and password in Nine. Your Exchange account linked to Nine synchronizes Mail, Calendar, Tasks, Notes, and Contacts on the server. Data created in Nine is also synced to the server in real-time.
- Calendar Nine Calendar allows you to manage your personal and company schedules, invite people to meetings, share calendars with them, and more. You can interwork your flagged emails to your calendar and tasks, and you'll also use a variety of features that allow you to keep track of coworkers' schedules and adjust meeting times.
- Contacts Nine Contacts can be synchronized to mobile phone by synchronizing with the contacts of the server, which allows you to organize your contacts efficiently when handling your company work.
- Tasks Nine Tasks allows you to interwork your mail and calendar, your To-do list, letting you manage and handle your To-do list from anywhere.
- Notes Nine Notes can easily record work-related notes anytime, anywhere, allowing you to easily work with Nine apps such as Email, Calendar, and Tasks.
Michael Linenburger
Michael Linenburger's blog:
finally adding Nine to Ninja and
1MTD-Outlook Courses Android "Nine" Videos Added to
Ninja and 1MTD-Outlook Courses -
Michael Pietroforte /
founder and editor of 4sysops I think it is safe to say that
Microsoft just snapped up the
wrong Android email app.
Not only is Nine a more powerful
email app than Acompli, but it is also much better
to Exchange and Office 365.
Yes, Nine is THE Outlook app for
Android. -
Tom Dawson /
Editor-in-Chief of AndroidHeadline Nine is an Android app that
offers up a good amount of
customization and organization
without getting too cluttered.
With great Material Design look
and feel Nine is a great app
for those that want to make better
use of their email accounts
on mobile. -
Derek Walter /
a freelance technology writer Nine is much like Outlook in look
and feel, but it offers a few more
customization options.
It also smartly integrates with
your fingerprint lock, so your email
will be doubly secure.